Dianabol 50mg


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Dbol is easy to use, can be taken orally as tablets. It helps burn body fat even when you’re resting. Gives you very good muscle gains in quick time. Even beginners to bodybuilding have reported adding 15 to 20lbs of pure muscle after taking Dbol for a month.

Improves athletic performance, physical endurance, and speed. Makes you feel a lot stronger, enhances strength levels. Enables optimal protein synthesis – which is so essential for muscle development. Improves sex drive, helps you last longer in bed.


Start with 15mg of Dianabol a day, when comfortable, increase to 20 to 25mg a day after a week or two.

If you notice any negative side effects at this stage, cut back to the original dosage of 15mg a day. But if you are fine with taking 20 to 25mg a day, you can increase the dosage to 30 to 35mg a day.

Experienced bodybuilders are known to take 50 to 100mg of Dbol daily during the steroid cycle.

Dianabol has a half-life of 3-5 hours, which is why experts recommend dividing your intake into 2 to 3 small doses per day to maintain optimal blood levels.

Take Dbol 45 minutes before your workout – it works best as a pre-workout supplement.


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